America's media has become filled with harsh criticisms regarding everything from the president to American ideals. Not that this is a new thing, but it seems to be getting more and more extreme as time goes on. When a president is republican, channels such as CNN or MSNBC are called out. Should a president be democratic, channels like FOX and radio personalities such as Rush Limbaugh are brought to attention. No matter who makes the radical connections of any president to things such as racism, illegal matters, or-in Glenn Beck's case-oligar_hy, there is no excuse. The controversy this creates is inexcusable, and it needs to be stopped before it goes completely out of control. What it creates is a nation full of people angry at each other for no reason.
The easiest way to solve this crisis is to prevent people with extreme and false ideas from professing their beliefs on the television or radio. Though this may be received with complaints regarding the first amendment, its eventual products will far outweigh this con. Should the media be prevented from spreading false ideas, conveying thoughtless comments, and forcing anyone who listens to believe, America can become a bipartisan happy country.
-But wait! There's more!/Billy Mays
I agree that the media plays far too big of a role in today's politics, especially around election time however I do not think the answer is to prevent people with extreme and false ideas from professing their beliefs on the television or radio. I think that would actually decrease the gross national happiness. As powerful as the media is, its somewhat incredible that just by clicking the up or down buttons on your remote you can hear many different point of views all about the same event. Although there are many out there who can be swayed by the media, many people also know the "type" of tv show they are watching to get their news. If you put on MSNBC chances are you want to be more sympathetic towards President Obama whereas if you flip on FOX, you will probably hear harsh criticism about the Obama administration. I think the media is one of the only true ways anymore in which Americans exercise their right to freedom of speech and expression. It would be a tragedy if this was limited.
ReplyDelete-Jacqueline Kennedy