Monday, September 28, 2009

legal adult at the age of 18?

The law says that when you turn 18 you are a legal adult. If you are arrested it goes on your permanent record that follows your whole life and when you are 18 you are allowed to fight and die for your country in a war. Though the government has made another age limit for drinking and smoking. You must be 21years old to drink and or purchase alcohol and you must be 19 years old to buy cigarettes. Why is it that the government has made a age limit of 18years old to fight in a war (something that benifits them) and makes the age limit of 21 to consume alcoholic beverages? If you are old enough to be given the responsibility of becoming a legal adult at the age of 18 you should be responsible enough to choose if you wish to consume alcohol or smoke.

-Amelia Earhart

1 comment:

  1. I, Genghis Khan wholeheartedly agree! If you are old enough to get your limbs blown off for America, why should it be illegal for you to drink? The increase in regulation has created even more problems for American teenagers. A higher drinking age encourages more illegal drinking. The majority of teens cannot wait to turn 21 and as a result binge drink themselves into oblivion. American colleges are turned into ongoing frat parties. This kind of behavior towards alcohol is not seen to this degree anywhere else in the world.
    -Genghis Khan-
