Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ridiculous Accusations That Get US Nowhere

A nation's people are most happy when topics of actual importance are debated and discussed. The politics of America have been reduced to ridiculous accusations that have little to no basis and in truth effect nothing. Recently there was a scandal regarding ACORN, an institution that has supported and worked with Barack Obama, which was discovered to have had members giving advice for prostitutes on how to obtain tax advantages. Now, without a doubt, this means that because Obama has worked with this organization, he is the head of a prostitution syndicate. Fox News has been especially proactive in getting this information out to us, to protect us from Barack, who will soon send all our children to sell their bodies on the street. This is the unfortunate truth about our country. Rather than opposing a party because of difference in opinion, they oppose a man because of outlandish claims. Not too long ago these same brainwashers were screaming out that the candidate Obama was a muslim, as if that really mattered or had any relevance as to whether or not he would be a capable leader. Now this is not an article promoting Obama or any party, it is just saying that one should oppose a man for the right reasons that pertain to the greater good of the country, not oppose him for ludricrous charges. It would greatly make this nation a happier place if we could focus more on debating the truth and what is revelant to bettering this country.
-King Arthur

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you on this issue. Americans constantly complain about how the US government is doing nothing to move the nation foward, though no one stops to consider the fact that the government is constantly being held up in its agenda is because of the propaganda citizens and the media create. Especially regarding President Obama, people bring up useless information about officials'pasts--of which nothing can be done about--and debate about how wrong it is or about how they should be kicked out of office because of it. Seriously, Obama has done nothing illegal during his presidency--HE CANNOT BE KICKED OUT OF OFFICE BY CONGRESS SIMPLY BECAUSE PEOPLE DO NOT LIKE HIM, OR THINK HE IS DOING A BAD JOB.

    Then there are people out there who create conspiracy theories like how Obama's administration is eventually going to put everyone into concentration camps. PEOPLE, LOOK AT THE FACTS: If Obama put people into concentration camps, don't you think that congress would stop him? THESE CHECKS IN BALANCES IN US GOVERNMENT EXIST FOR A REASON. Also, Obama has no reason to put people in concentration camps--it would ruin the US economy plus throw US international diplomacy down the toilet. Plus, Obama would probably not be re-elected as US President. THINK RATIONALLY.

    No one can change the past; they can only work to make the future better. It's time that people get over their predujices and just unite to make the US a better place.

    -Nelson Mandela
