Sunday, February 21, 2010

Forbidden Love

One sentence description: A movie about the forbidden love between a Chinese woman and a Mongolian solider.

Casting suggestions: Lucy Liu as Mandy Chow & The Rock as Bataar Khan

Myth: Bataar caught Mandy's eye by hitting an apple off a galloping horse from 200 yards away.

Scene: Mandy wakes up one sunny morning and looks out her window to see Bataar practicing with his bow and arrow. He hits an apple off the back of a moving horse from 200 yards away. She notices how handsome he is and immediately falls in love with him.

Longer version of the plot: Mandy Chow, a young Chinese woman, falls for a Mongolian soldier, Bataar Khan. Although their love is forbidden, they continue to see each other secretly. When the parents catch the two together, a fight breaks out. Both parents are killed in the cross fire. This allows for the star crossed lovers to be together. They live happily ever after.

Quote from packet 'The Mongol Era': "The gap between them and the Chinese was thus greater culturally to begin with and was more strongly perpetuated politically."

-Queen Elizabeth, Duncan Hines & Jackie Kennedy

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