Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Keeping up with the Khans

Chinggis Khan: Meryl Streep
Kubilai Khan: Drew Barrymore
Hulagu Khan: Amanda Seyfried
Ali of Egypt: Channing Tatum
The Khan family led the Mongolian military conquests. They were known for their expert bow and arrow skills and distinct mustaches (the two myths involved). The invaded populations assumed that the Khans were strong men when in reality, they were women, led by their grandmother, Chinggis. When Hulagu goes to Egypt to conquer Ali's territory, the Khan's true identity is revealed and they are forced to retreat. No one can believe that women were capable of having mustaches and being such great warriors. Pending love story between Hulagu and Ali...
The revelation would mean drastic changes in people's view on women and gender inequality. "If the Mongol period meant resentment and disruption in key civilizations, it means new opportunity for other peoples." This in regards to women's new status.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

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