Friday, February 12, 2010

Mongolian Movie Pitch- SS and LD

One Sentence Description: Genghis Khan leads his army into Baghdad to invade the city.

Casting Suggestions:
Channing Tatum as Genghis Khan
Taylor Lautner as the Abbasid Caliphate

Myth: Mongolians drank the blood of their horses.

Scene: 10 miles outside of the city the Mongols run out of food and water, so they slay their horses and drink the blood before battle.

Longer Version of the Plot: Genghis Khan rallies his troops to conquer the land of Islam. He leads his armies toward Baghdad into battle. they encounter many obstacles, like lack of food. However, the Mongolian Army overcomes these obstacles and marches on the city. The battle is long and bloody. The culminating scene of the movie shows the Abbasid Caliphate, Lautner, surrendering the city to Kahn, Tatum.

-Stephanie Stein and Liz Doppelt

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