Tuesday, February 9, 2010

In order to make a worse movie than "The Conqueror"

To begin, we need some bad actors:
A Hong as Genghis Khan,
Ethan as the (venerable?) monk,
The First Period class as the Europeans (who all die :-)
Chris Chan and his clones as the chinese (they might die)

Of course, a brief description:
Genghis Khan gets angry and kills everyone.

Mongolians pile skulls of their dead...and they stink (according to SP).

Longer Version of the Plot:
So, in the advance of the golden horde, a monastery is destroyed. The sole surviving monk becomes very angry, and during a daytime raid by the Mongols, goes and slaughters Genghis Khan's family. The already-violent Khan then proceeds to advance over much of Europe and Asia (I know, they are in opposite directions), killing everyone in sight. As each city falls to the Horde, the land is bathed in blood. Eventually, Genghis Khan gets old and requests that he is given a banana. The mongolians live happily ever after.

And a scene:
The monk silently enters Genghis Khan's tent while he is out pillaging a city. After a fierce cry, the monk slaughters Genghis' family, though not before cutting off Mrs. Khan's mustache.

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