Monday, September 7, 2009

Adam's Tongue, How Humans Made Language, How Language Made Humans

Adam's Tongue, by Derek Bickerton, is a "must read" book. The in-depth analysis of the creation of language is astounding. He shows the reader the many theories about the origins of language and identifies what is plausible and implausible about each of them. Although he may be fairly bias in some of his opinions, the overall book is amazing.  Derek Bickerton is 84 years old and is a Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at the University of Hawaii. He graduated from the University of Cambridge in 1949. He has written many books about linguistics over the course of his life.

 Jesse James


  1. I also read a linguist book by Bickerton. Did he cover a general area of the world where he studied languages? Mine was in tropical areas mostly, like Hawaii or small islands. I bet there are a ton of parallels in both of our novels.

    ~Malcolm X

  2. My book also had to do wit language, but Bickerton looks like he is a better author than Anthony. Did this book cover the spread of the Indo-European language ?

    - Robert E. Lee

  3. I noticed one of the most interesting parts of my book were the parts that discussed linguistics. I bet I would find this book to be really fascinating.

  4. After I had finished Bastard Tongues, I emailed Prof. Bickerton with a question. He got back to me within a day and was very gracious. I'm a huge fan. :D

    Mrs. McCabe
