Monday, September 7, 2009

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World by Jack Weatherford was a very good book. Weatherford is a very good writer and made the book easy to read, at the same time is was very informative. I had no idea the Mongols had such a large impact on the world, the book is so full of information that it feels like it was writen by someone who actually was there. It was a great book and I would recomend it to anyone.

-The Omnicient Mao Zedong


  1. What is this book actually about though? What kind of ruler was Khan. I'd like to learn more about the mongols and their empire, this sounds as if this book might be a good start
    ~Morgan Freeman

  2. Khan ia one cool guy he is crazy. I might read this one! does it talk about the battles he fought?

  3. Does this book go in depth about Mongol culture regarding Mongol dynasties and such? That would seem quite interesting.


  4. I know very little about the Mongol culture, I only know the legacy it left behind. Does your book go into the actual Mongol political structure, culture, religion, traditions, etc? I would love to learn more about that.
    -Catherine of Aragon

  5. The book talks about everything, it also goes on to talk about Khan's sons and his grandson Kublai Khan. Who also had a major impact on the world.
    -The omnipotent Mao Zedong

  6. I actually found this book rather irritating. In one of the opening chapters, the author claims that Genghis Khan connected China to Europe, and that people in the West had never even heard of China before.


    I couldn't get past that.

    Genghis Khan is a big part of the WHAP course, so he's important, but this book might not be the best starting point for your studies.

    -Mrs. McCabe
