Monday, September 28, 2009

Protect the sanctity of marriage!

We are fundamentally a Christian nation. Therefore we must adhere to our Christian values and protect the sanctity of marriage by prohibiting divorce. Currently, about 50% of all marriages end in divorce. If divorce was illegal, then the sanctity of the traditional marriage would be protected.

Divorce should be illegal, despite the fact that there are couples in our country who are unhappy with each other; just as gay marriage should be illegal, despite the fact that there are homosexual couples who are unhappy with the fact that they cannot get the same tax benefits, hospital visitation rights, immigration and residency benefits, child custody rights, insurance benefits, and other various benefits and rights that heterosexual couples receive.

Approximately 75% of our nation is Christian, which is why adhering to our core Christian values would make the majority of Americans happier. Jesus makes the prohibition of divorce clear in Mark 10:9-11:

9 Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”
10 When they were in the house again, the disciples asked Jesus about this.
11 He answered, “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her.
12 And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.

(I would stress this point by making another comparison to gay marriage, but for some reason I’m having trouble finding any scripture where Jesus even mentions homosexuality – weird!)

When the sanctity of marriage is threatened in some marriages, it negatively affects all marriages and, in effect, the entire nation. This is why prohibiting divorce (and gay marriage too while we’re at it) would greatly increase our country’s GNH.

We should all follow the example of John Marcotte, who is currently fighting to make divorce illegal in California:



  1. The argument you use that we "must adhere to our Christian values and protect the sanctity of marriage" goes against one of the core principles of the constitution: separation of church and state. You cannot cite the bible in saying gay marriage and divorce should be illegal because it is against the constitution to base any laws on religion. I agree that divorce is an issue, but making it illegal would create even worse problems. It could increase domestic violence, and would overall make people much more unhappy if they are in unhappy relationships that they cannot get out of.

    -Napoleon Bonaparte

  2. SO what you are saying is that, I, who am not Christian, therefore do not follow the Christian "rules", should be forced to live with someone who might not be rihgt for me. Why dont we just aboloish all those other silly religions so that Christians rule the U.S.....cant wait for that day...

    Morgan Freeman

  3. Haha whoops guess I didn't make it obvious enough. This is meant to be satirical. The point is to show how ridiculous the main arguments against gay marriage are.

  4. I think this whole post is old-world and naive. Making gay marriage and divorce illegal would do the exact opposite for our GNH, and would most definitely decrease it. People would be forced to live and be married to people they didn't want to be, making them very unhappy or they would not be allowed to marry the people they love and wish to spend their life with. In either situation you are trying to argue people would be very unhappy and the GNH would go down drastically.

    -Joan of Arc

  5. I believe that Mohammed has a good point. If couples knew that they were not able to divorce, they would make wiser decisions before marriage and would result in more problems being worked out. Although this is a good idea, it wouldn't work very well. Promiscuity would also have to be stopped, which is impossible.
    Gay marriage, on the other hand, should be banned, there are still many more people apposed to gay marriages than there are gay couples. I believe that destroying gay marriage completely would help the GNH.
    Aung San Suu Kyi

  6. I think that that post will do the complete opposite of what it is trying to. How is restricting ones rights going to make them generally happier? When someone tells you that you can not do something, such as divorce someone, or marry another, there is no way that it will make you happier. I would also like to add that your reference to gay marriage makes absolutely no sense. Taking away someone's fundamental rights that are stated in the constitution only pisses people off, in no way makes them happier. What were to happen if we made divorce illegal and then and spouses suffer from domestic violence and can not be spared of it? People should be able to love who they want and get away from who they don't. End of story.

    -Michelle Obama
