Sunday, September 27, 2009

GNH - Gay Marriage

Gay marriage has been a pressing issue in the world, mostly the United States, for a while now. The two sides of the conflict are either all men are created equal, and love is love no matter what, or the opposite, that homosexuals are an abomination of God and it is morally wrong for two people of the same sex to join in matrimony.  

On May 17, 2004, Massachusetts was the first state in the USA to legalize gay-marriage. However, it was not the first place in the world.  Belgium, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Spain, and South Africa are other countries around the world that allow it.  Since the legalization of gay marriage in 2004 in MA, other states have followed the example. Currently, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, and Massachusetts are the only states with it legalized. Maine was supposed to have gay marriage legalized by September 11, 2009 but a people's veto had it postponed.  A vote will be held in November.  New Hampshire will have same sex marriages legalized as of January 1, 2010. 

California formally had gay marriage legalized between June 16 until November 4, 2008 when Proposition 8 was put into practice.  Proposition 8 says that marriage between a man and a woman is the only legal marriage allowed in the state of California.  All other marriages are morally wrong/illegitimate.  In 2010, there will be a vote to overturn this law.  However, all marriages that were held between June 16 and November 4 are still recognizable. They are not void.

The State of New York and the District of Columbia recognize gay marriages, but do not have it legalized yet.  So, this is to say, that if a person got married in Massachusetts, their marriage is still legitimate in these two areas, whereas it would not be legitimate in Nevada or a state without it legalized.  

Homophobes claim that gay people are searching for 'special rights' by asking to get married.  

Marriage should be a right given to all people.  Whether it be a lifestyle choice or they way a person is born, they should not be denied the right to get married with whom they choose.

America has gotten far with acceptance, but not far enough.  Crimes against gays and homophobia are still everywhere.  

~ Benjamin Franklin


  1. Do you think the National Happiness would increase if gay marriage were allowed? How do you account for the unhappiness that would be felt by people who oppose gay marriage?

    Mrs. McCabe

  2. Love is love whether it exists between two people of the opposite sex or of the same sex. It is unfair to allow a heterosexual couple to wed and not a homosexual couple. The gays are not searching for "special rights", as they would be receiving the same rights as a a married man and woman are permitted. Society is lacking knowledge about the gay community and therefore let their ignorance interfere with their senseful decision making. Rainbows are not fun when you're colorblind.

    Take a look...

    -Jackie Kennedy

  3. You said that the opposition to gay marriage is based off a religious conflict with the union. In the united states we like to think that we have a seperation of church and state, and this violates thats law. Marriage is a legal union between two people, regardless of their sex. If our government could seperate their religious principles from this desicion than gay marraige would be legal in many more states. Preventing homosexuals to marry is dicrimintaion. Hopefully the government will come around soon and recognize their mistakes.

    - Helen of Troy

  4. National happiness would absolutely increase if gay marriage were allowed. But it would increase even more if the gay couples were allowed to receive the same social security benefits as other married couples. At the moment, gay couples cannot receive "retirement benefits, survivor benefits, or lump-sum death benefits" only because they are a same-sex couple. Even in the states where gay marriage is recognized, these couples still cannot receive these benefits. The people that are opposed to gay marriage will certainly not be happy because they are bigots. This would cause the GNH to be less than it would be if everyone were supportive of gay marriage but it is not enough to have the overall GNH decrease if gay marriage were legalized. Gay marriage should be legalized and recognized by the federal government because if all men are created equal then should they not all have equal rights?

    -Queen Isabel

  5. When the US government or any private entity or for that matter, any other human being, denies another the sanctity of marrying the same sex, it comes down to a battle of rights. No where in the US constitution does it state that our government has the right to legally define marriage and enact law(s) against it. Those who inspire or engage in hate crimes toward homosexuals are fighting for something that is emotional not logical, and thus will never have a legal factor to their argument. If gay marriage was legally accepted in all 50 states, the gross national happiness would increase from what it is now. Right now we have two unhappy groups. If gay marriage was allowed tomorrow, we would have just one unhappy group...

    -Sasha Obama

  6. I think the GNH will improve if gay marriage is legalized in all of america. Because the people who are homosexual will be very happy. The people that do not agree with it, will eventually grow out of it and move on with their lives. They may not be happy with it at first, but it will all fade after a month or so, and once the subject stops being spread over the media, nobody will care anymore. It does not take anything away from people who are not homosexual, it only makes another group of people more happy.

    - Mary Queen of Scots

  7. The GNH will definitenly improve if gay marriage is not only legalized by America, but more importantly, accepted by our nation.

    There is nothing wrong with being a homosexual. There is no scientific reasoning for why someone is a homosexual, despite numerous claims. The reason for why closeted homosexuals exist is due to fear from society. In the 70's, it was not uncommon for a homosexual man to commit suicide due to fear from unacceptance in society.

    We live in a world that is affraid to go outside its natural boundaries. There is no definition of marriage in our Constitution, so why do we still seek to punish those who are of different sexual orientations? In 1996, Colorado tried to pass a law that banned gays from civil rights. Thankfully the Supreme Court ruled this as unconstitutional in the case Romer v. Evans, but unconstitutionality is still taking place with the Defense of Marriage Act. The Defense of Marriage Act defines marriage to be between a man and a woman, although not stated in the Constitution.

    Most recently, California, a state to have gay marriage, abolished the "privilege" by passing Proposition 8. Why should homosexuals be stripped off a natural right such as marriage? Why should it even matter to heterosexuals if someone of different sexual orientation wants to be happy? I believe that the legalization of gay marriage will bring Greater National Happiness by promoting diversity, as well as abolishing fear across the homosexual community in America. They have the chance to not feel alone and to be more welcome into the world and that is something that should not be denied to anyone.


  8. This issue has grown from a debate to a nationwide controversy. The issue has been brought up in courtrooms, in the U.S. Congress and even in the White House. Supporters of same-sex marriage argue that gay couples should be treated no differently than heterosexuals, and that they should have the right to marry whomever they want, just like everyone else. Benefits that heterosexuals take advantage of would be extended to homosexuals through marriages. Couples who have been together for years are still devoid of privileges such as health and pension benefits. Those, however, who oppose same-sex marriage, argue that the union between a man and a woman signify what society has based itself on. Allowing heterosexuals to marry would radically redefine marriage. Many people who believe this worry over higher divorce rates and that other nontraditional relationships could develop. Overall, nondiscrimination is an American ideal that as a country we must uphold.

  9. In the long run, legalizing gay marriage would definitely increase the Gross Domestic Happiness of the United States. Like Mary Queen of Scots said, even if people are initially unhappy with same-sex marriages, they will eventually grow out of their dislike; Americans are known to be accepting. There are going to be gay couples whether or not gay marriage is legalized, it is not something one can prevent with a law. Legalizing same-sex marriage would make gay couples happier and eventually make society have fewer conflicts. There are always going to be people who are unhappy with the decision made in accordance with this issue but if the issue is legalized, people will not be restricted by the law.

    - Betty Crocker
