Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Gross National Happiness

During his coronation address on November 7, 2008, King Khesar of Bhutan made the following statement: "Yet we must always remember that as our country, in these changing times finds immense new challenges and opportunities, whatever work we do, whatever goals we have – and no matter how these may change in this changing world – ultimately without peace, security and happiness we have nothing. That is the essence of the philosophy of Gross National Happiness."

Your assignment is to post either an entry or a comment in which you discuss the principle of Gross National Happiness as it applies to the United States. Select an issue from the news and comment on how you think the issue could be resolved in a way that makes the greatest number of people happy. You can include links to videos, websites, articles, research, cartoons, images, anything. Just make sure it's appropriate for school, and use your APWorld name.

I'm really looking forward to seeing your ideas!

Oh, and please tag your entries as GNH. That will help me keep them all together.


And!! I've also found a BBC site about happiness. It includes a quiz to find out how happy you are, links to articles about the science of happiness, and an article about why the British are not as happy as they were in the 1950s. :D

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